Development of the technology and execution of projects on hydrocarbons production stimulation
PETON was one of the first companies in modern Russia to start studies of CO2 usage for hydrocarbons production stimulation and improvement of field development economic efficiency. The company performed studies that allow to declare about efficiency of the proposed technologies with regard to boreholes debit increase and improvement of hydrocarbons recovery factor. This activity allows to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which contributes to Russian and global mission for climate change prevention.
Beneficial use and disposal of CO2 conforms to the objectives of long-term environmental development of our country and is currently a global trend. By investing into this focus area, we understand that it is a science-intensive process which may provide a substantial effect on the overall efficiency and environmental compatibility of our Client’s activity.
PETON performs the following activities:
- Study of oil and gas boreholes and gas-condensate boreholes
- Analysis of the results and development of proposals to increase the productivity
- Treatment of boreholes with CO2 and other chemicals to stimulate hydrocarbons production with evaluation of such treatment efficiency
- Services for boreholes routine maintenance
PETON is a rights holder for two patents for application of CO2 technologies
Advantages of PETON developments:
- Application of patented technologies for extraction of high-molecular compounds that are present in the gas-condensate pool with simultaneous increase of the borehole production capacity
- Improvement of hydrocarbons production efficiency
- Integrated approach that allows to combine the production and processing parts of the cluster by complete usage of special properties of one of these parts. Improvement of fields development productivity and economical efficiency by means of implementation of technologies and synergetic effect
PETON experience:
- PETON possesses experience in execution of research works results of which allowed to develop the plan for transition to the following phase of research and pilot development works on application of CO2 technologies in the process of hydrocarbons production
- Performed feasibility study of prospective development of the resources of the high-molecular compounds (residual oil)
- Performed physical modelling of residual oil displacement from the core in cooperation with Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC and Gubkin Russian National University of Oil and Gas
- Confirmed high efficiency of carbon dioxide application
- Developed an integrated project for separated gas processing at the facility with production of CO2, that allows to consider Orenburg Gas Plant as a significant source of CO2
In 2017, “Feasibility study of prospective development of high-molecular raw materials at gas condensate fields and oil/gas condensate fields (using Orenburg oil/gas condensate field as an example)” was successfully executed by PETON for GAZPROM PJSC. This project is a unique project for the industry
Technology application results
- Production stimulation and improvement of hydrocarbons recovery factor
- Reduction of CO2 emissions and general reduction of carbon intensity of the state industrial production in accordance with the national environmental strategy
Development Strategy:
- Development of the program for evolvement and provision of extensive use of CO2 technologies for hydrocarbons production
- Development of projects for oil and gas facilities revamping, implementation of new technologies
- Revamping of production facilities to provide the possibility of CO2 recovery at industrial enterprises and revamping of field facilities for application of CO2 technologies
- Further extension and industrial application of own technologies at hydrocarbons production and processing facilities in order to improve economic efficiency of the enterprises by means of production stimulatio