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Environmental Engineering

PETON shares the concepts of sustainable development, balanced and socially acceptable economic growth and preservation of favourable environment.

These concepts are stated in the company environmental policy, developed with due account for the general trend for

  • Environmentalization of natural resources usage
  • Reinforcement and stiffening of legal regimes for environment components protection
  • Implementation of mechanisms stimulating economic entities to use the best available technologies

Guided by its environmental policy, PETON aims efforts at development and implementation of advanced ecologically clean (green) technologies that ensure observation of specified environmental quality standards, rational use of natural resources, mitigation of business activities negative impact on the population health and territories adjoining the industrial facilities, together with productivity enhancement and resources saving.

Priorities of PETON environmental policy
Usage of equipment and technologies with the minimum environmental impact relative rate
Commitment to minimize consumption of natural energy resources
Optimization of environmentally dangerous processes
Revamping of production systems and reduction of accident risk

The primary focus for PETON is environmental engineering – execution of projects on the basis of development and integration of a complex of solutions aimed at reliability enhancement, reduction of energy consumption and minimization of negative environmental impact, achieving indicators of the best available technologies.

Resource-saving support, energy efficiency enhancement
Mitigation of environmental impact
Minimization of human factor impact
Environmental engineering advantages
Reduction of environmental charges and expenditures for environmental protection due to "green" technologies implementation
Timely response to environmental legislation amendments
Enhancing transparency, controllability and control over environmental aspects of the production activity
Improving investment attractiveness, image and social responsibility of the enterprise
Environmental engineering for the fuel and energy industry
  • Environmental Safety
  • Energy-saving approach
  • Reliability

PETON implements projects undertaking the following obligations:

  • Compliance with legislation in the field of environmental protection, rational use of natural resources and environmental safety
  • Consideration of environmental aspects during pre-investment research, engineering and investment projects execution stages
  • Minimization of negative environmental impact during all project stages and compensation of possible environmental damage
  • Implementation of the leading scientific research results and best available technologies to achieve stage-by-stage reduction of specific consumption of natural resources, materials and energy in the process of engineering and construction of production facilities, release of products and provision of engineering services
  • Interface with federal, regional and local environmental bodies in the process of engineering and construction of various petrochemical and oil and gas processing facilities
  • Engagement of company specialists into activities aimed at continuous improvement of environmental management system, environmental indicators, rational use of natural resources and environmental safety
  • Improvement of the environmental management system, enhancement of its effectiveness and efficiency, progressive development of own environmental standards

The policy followed by PETON contributes to assurance of rational and ecologically responsible usage of energy and utilities, transition of the fuel and energy industry areas to the concepts of green economy and best available technologies.

The main trend of the Company activity is global implementation of the leading scientific research results and best available technologies into the process of products release and provision of engineering services to achieve stage-by-stage reduction of emissions, releases, wastes formation, specific consumption of natural resources, materials and energy.

PETON Holding actively cooperates with higher education institutions, scientific research institutes in the matters of training highly qualified specialists in the field of energy and resources saving technologies in production and refining of oil and gas, chemical utilization of oil and gas.

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