PETON executes the program aimed at assisting economical, social and cultural development of the Company operations areas.
We are committed to steady business development and execute the corporate social strategy.
Occupational and industrial safety policy
The high level of occupation safety culture is the priority for the Holding.
Technology Engineering Holding PETON performs its activities in a strict compliance with the requirements of the Russian Federation and with the norms of international law.
Safe working rules and requirements are strictly observed at the facilities: the workers are provided with work clothes and equipment that conforms to the respective production safety norms for 100%; company employees engaged in execution of the projects are trained for first aid treatment provision.

The company workers are trained in the field of special requirements of industrial and fire safety, environmental and occupational safety under the safety policy based on the continuously updated norms, standards and technical regulations.
Technology Engineering Holding PETON strictly observes safety standards implemented by the Client’s company.
Environmental Safety
Given the state priorities in energy efficiency and environmental safety we emphasize the specific character of our activities and our mission aimed at implementation of new, advanced and safe technologies. One of the vital tasks for the Holding is to identify and study hazard sources connected with production. We take measures for their elimination or minimization.

General environmental safety is our future and forms the basis for each new project where business ideas are supported by universal human and state interests.
Development of scientific potential
Technology Engineering Holding PETON participates in development of Russian science under cooperation with industry specific higher education institutions. Part of the company strategy to enhance competitive advantages and to implement social initiatives consists in investing into development of human resources potential and supporting young talented specialists.

- cooperate with higher education institutions in target preparation of students for PETON scientific and project divisions
- participate in creation of organizational and methodical base for education programs
- organize and hold educational and scientific events (forums, conferences, Olympiads, contests, case tournaments, etc.)
The main partner of the company is Ufa State Petroleum Technological University. The following PETON base departments were established in Ufa State Petroleum Technological University in 2017: “Processes and vessels modelling and engineering in chemical technologies” at “Petrochemistry and chemical engineering” department, and “Engineering of oil and gas processing facilities” at “Oil and gas technologies department”.
Joint projects with Ufa State Petroleum Technological University:
- Studentship named after Professor B. Marushkin
In 2017, PETON established the annual studentship named after Professor B. Marushkin for talented students of the Technological Faculty. - International Olympiad named after Professor K. Bogatykh
Since 2017, PETON arranges the annual International students Olympiad for the discipline “Processes and vessels in chemical facilities” on the basis of Ufa State Petroleum Technological University. - Laboratory “Hydromechanical processes” named after Professor B. Marushkin
PETON sponsored and organized start-up works in 2019. It is used in the educational process and for execution of scientific research. The equipment installed in the laboratory allows to study hydromechanical and thermal processes.
Social programs
PETON implements socially important projects to improve social and cultural life in the regions of its operation.
The company executed a number of improvement projects such as renovation of schools, culture centres, teen clubs and stadiums, restoration of monuments, organization of festivals and events for the citizens.
In addition, cultural, educational and volunteer events for area residents, planting, Open House Days and more have been arranged.
PETON also participates in different philanthropic efforts, cooperates with boarding schools and funds.
The company successfully executes different social programs for the employees, that are developed with due regard to their needs and interests in such areas as corporate sport, organization of recreation and leisure for the employees and their families.