On May 22, the working meeting was held regarding execution of the development project of GOST R national standard “Formation Gas. Determination of component-fraction composition”, being performed by “Peton”. Apart from the specialists of “SRDI Oil&Gas “Peton” LLC Science and Technology Department, representatives of “Gazprom VNIIGAZ” LLC, “Gazprom pererabotka” LLC, and “VNIIM n.a. D.I. Mendeleev” FSUE took part in the meeting.
During the meeting, the participants discussed a number of issues, such as: strengths and weaknesses of the existing methods for separation gas and unstable gas condensate analysis by gas chromatography method, statistic data setting program for calculation of method accuracy figures and its metrological certification in accordance with GOST R 8.563-2009 “National Uniform Measurement Assurance System. Measurement methods” and GOST R ISO 5725-2002 “Accuracy, trueness and precision of measurement methods and results”. The issue of compliance of national standard GOST R with International Standard ISO 3924:2010 “Petroleum products – Determination of boiling range distribution – Gas chromatography method” was considered as well.
As a result of the meeting, a program of cooperation for the project of development of GOST R “Determination of component-fraction composition” national standard was drawn up in three parts.
Working meeting of “Peton” and Linde on Amur GPP project execution issues
Working meeting of “Peton” and Linde specialists was held on construction issues of Amur GPP – the largest gas processing plant in Russia. Representatives of “Gazprom pererabotka” LLC (“NIPIGAZpererabotka” JSC) and “SRDI Oil&Gas “Peton” participated in the meeting. During the meeting, the participants discussed several issues concerning adjustment of the project, provided by Linde, to Russian norms and requirements. EP scope of work within the project was determined as well. The participants agreed on the list and detail level of the data sheets on Linde equipment. “Peton” project team presented a structured flow chart of the project, carried out an equipment logistics analysis and presented information on equipment manufacturers. The issues of import substitution, production localization and organization of service works were emphasized as well.