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Bilateral meeting of “Peton” and Nexson representatives


As part of collaboration development between “Peton” and international industrial group Nexson the two companies’ representatives meeting was held in Ufa office of NIPI NG “Peton”.

“Peton” was represented by the Director General, Chairman of the Board, Eduard Gasanov and Andrey Standrik, the Advisor to the Director General. 

The meeting was devoted to collaboration and strategic partnership in the area of construction and modernization of facilities for oil and gas production, oil and gas processing, petroleum and chemical industries. 

In the course of the meeting Nexson representatives delivered presentation on the company’s opportunities in the field of engineering, manufacturing and package supply of process equipment and modular systems, as well as high-effective integrated solutions for industrial enterprises.  

After discussion of presentation and Q&A session both Parties expressed their interest in strategic partnership, and prepared “a package of proposals” with a step-by-step plan of collaboration between Nexson and “Peton” , including registration of a specially founded joint manufacturing company under previously agreed name “PETNEX” (hereinafter referred to as JV).  

A schedule of the regular business meetings and consultations for the further work on joint projects was developed. It is planned to sign the Memorandum of intentions between the two companies in the nearest future.