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“Peton” to commence packaged supply of equipment for Yuzhno-Kirinskoye field


“Peton” commenced implementation of a project on development and approval of engineering design for nonstandard process equipment for GPP for Yuzno-Kirinskoye field development to satisfy the needs of OJSC “VNIPIgazdobycha”. 

“Peton” has a great experience in engineering and packaged supply of nonstandard equipment for oil-and-gas and petrochemical industries. This project takes a special place in our project list as this is strategically important trend for the whole national oil-and-gas industry”, - comments Oleg V Polyakov, the Director General of LLC “Peton Invest Technology”.

Development of Yuzhno-Kirinskoye gas-condensate field will satisfy demands of the Far-Eastern region in energy resources, as well as demands on export of natural gas of the Asia-Pacific Region (APR).

“Gazprom dobycha shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk” is a Client and Operating company to realize investment project: “Development of Yuzhno-Kirinskoye gas-condensate field” (being a part of a project “Sakhalin-3”).