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Peton sponsors and takes part in a scientific conference


On 18 - 20 September 2019, Orenburg hosted the Nationwide Research-to-Practice Conference entitled New Focus Areas in Oil and Gas, Innovative Development of Fields, Production Prospects for Unconventional Hydrocarbons. The conference was arranged by VolgoUralNIPIgaz Design Institute. A total of 85 participants representing 14 companies were registered. These included scientists and specialists in geology, geophysics, oil and gas production, engineering.

PETON sponsored the event, with Viktor Kovanov, Research Director, becoming a member of the conference steering committee.

The bulk of the topics discussed at the conference was devoted to challenges in the production of crude hydrocarbons. All the speeches were practically-oriented, and debating was arranged in the roundtable format.

Employees of PETON’s Technology & Science Department presented their speeches:

  • Revamping Internals of KO Drums for Separation of Gas-Liquids Mixtures. 
  • Supply of Carbon Dioxide to the Test Ground of Orenburg OGCF. 
  • Research Test Bench to Determine the Domains for Steady Operation of Contact Devices in the Fractionator Equipment. 
  • Comparing the Domains for Steady Operation of Sieve Plate and Valve Tray from PETON with the Floating Round Valve. 
  • Enhancing Availability of Oil and Gas Refineries by Using Contemporary Approaches to the M&R System Arrangement.

The roundtable on the topics of PETON’s speeches was moderated by Yury Maksimenko, Head of the Gas Chemistry Section at the Technology & Science Department. The participants were particularly interested in the discussion of equipment designs and the use of carbon dioxide in the field development.

The organisers maintained that the main purpose of the event was to review various approaches in relatively independent spheres of geological prospecting, oil and gas production, oil and gas refining, and identify the challenges at their intersection, define the areas of mutual interest to all the oil and gas market players.