A journal article published in Gazprom VNIIGAZ Scientific Technical Collection “Vesti Gazovoy Nauki” was based on SRDI O&G PETON scientific research on determination of the fractional analysis of separator gas, unstable gas condensate and raw natural gas.
The article entitled “Studying the sensitivity coefficients during chromatographic analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures aimed at improving determination of the component-fractional compositions of the raw gas condensates” was co-written by T.A. Ogibalova, Project Engineering Manager from PETON.
“PETON specialists have developed a national standard package entitled “Gas-Condensate Mixture”. Over more than two years of project activities there has been performed a significant range of works with reference to which the said article was written. This material presents information contained in R&D statements”, - T.A. Ogibalova said.
For the first time in Russia, as a result of the project work there will be developed a national GOST R standard package on a detailed raw natural gas analysis and component-fraction composition. Design institutes which currently develop various standards for PJSC Gazprom utilize some provisions established during the research work carried out by PETON specialists.
As of now PETON is carrying out a range of R&D works and investing intensively to increase its scientific potential. The purpose of the company’s research work is to promote national science and achieve maximum efficiency in utilization of energy resources and capacities of the Russian fuel and energy industry.