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Stage one of LNG-Black Sea project completed


As part of the work to be accomplished under the Contract with PJSC Gazprom for the pre-investment study “Justification of investment in construction of LNG plant in the Black Sea coastal area”, SRDI O&G Peton LLC completed Project Stage I that involves marketing research and approving the project implementation matrix.

As part of stage 1 of the study, the company’s experts in cooperation with engaged subcontractors thoroughly elaborated the issues of product sales in target markets, including:

  • performance of a hindsight analysis of European countries’ energy balances,
  • identification of key energy consumption trends,
  • analysis of development programmes and strategies in the EU energy consumption area.

The comprehensive analysis of the current issues assisted in the estimation of demand for LNG plant products on the Black Sea coast.

The conducted analysis of the market of currently operating and designed vessels, as well as the current potential for LNG transshipment and regasification helped to prepare proposals concerning methods for LNG delivery from the plant to end consumers.

It should be noted that no such studies (in terms of depth and width of coverage of analysed information) were conducted at the pre-investment stage before.

This fact, as well as the high quality of furnished materials, was noted at the final Meeting by representatives of the Client (Department 336) as well as the Functional Client (Department 512).

The basis prepared during stage 1 of the study allowed for a decision on the need to continue work at stages 2 and 3.

By now, SRDI O&G Peton LLC has launched stage 2 “Drafting a Notice (Declaration) of Intent and its approval by local authorities”.

Final completion of work on developing the justification of investment in construction of LNG plant in the Black Sea coastal area is scheduled for August 2017.