Peton completed feasibility study on packaged units’ construction of helium extraction from fuel gas for compressor stations’ needs of main gas pipeline “The Power of Siberia”.
Work target is preparation of substantiative recommendations and materials regarding packaged units’ construction feasibility of helium extraction from fuel gas for compressor stations’ needs of main gas pipeline “The Power of Siberia” and gas for local consumers’ supply.
Within Technical Design Assignment Peton has performed the following scope of work:
- Study of applicable and long-term laws and regulation and regulatory acts in the area of regulation of helium recovery, production and consumption
- Comparative analysis of membrane, cryogenic and mixed technologies
- Gas recovery rate estimation
- Design gas composition analysis, helium balances’ development
- Choice of appropriate process system of helium recovery
- Preparation of engineering solutions and process systems
- Preparation of recommendations for equipment choice
- Evaluation of economic efficiency factors
- CAPEX evaluation
- Assessment of economic, financial, process, environmental and other risks
Facility location – Sakha (Yakutia), Amur region. Work is characterized by complicated geological engineering and natural and climatic conditions.
The contract was signed by SRDI O&G “Peton” LLC and “Gazprom” PJSC, represented by the Head of Projects Department.
Project execution was supervised by work group represented by Kovanov V.A. Deputy R&D Director, Dureev V.V. Chief Project Engineer and Erokhin E.V.Process Engineer