“Kommersant Bashkortostan” announced “Peton” participation in Amur GGP Construction Project.
“Gazprom” awards “Peton” contract for development of technology upgrade concept
SRDI Oil & Gas “PETON”, LLC (Ufa) won “Gazprom” contract for integrated program development of reconstruction and modernization of gas and liquid hydrocarbons processing facilities for 2016-2020.
Contract value is 40,819 mln Rub. “Peton” outranked daughter institute of monopoly “Gazprom VNIIGAS”. The program consists of the following items: analysis of process utilization rate and production of main product of gas and liquid hydrocarbons’ processing at the facilities of “Gazprom Pererabotka” LLC, “Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg” LLC, “Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan” LLC, also analysis of raw materials source and predicted changes of main products quality.
Earlier “Peton” was “VNIIGAZ”’s Contractor for “Preparation of proposals for main heat exchanging equipment of gas liquefaction process”.