SRDI Oil & Gas “PETON”, LLC currently performs Research and Development to determine separation gas, unstable gas condensate and formation gas component-fraction composition. The aim is to develop first package of national standards GOST R “Formation gas. Determination of component-fraction composition” in Russia, three parts:
- Part 1. Measuring procedure of mole fraction of separation gas components by means of Gas Chromatography;
- Part 2. Determination procedure of unstable gas condensate component-fraction composition by means of Gas Chromatography with preliminary sample degassing;
- Part 3. Determination procedure of unstable gas condensate component-fraction composition by means of Gas Chromatography with direct sample injection into chromatograph.
Within the framework of methodologies qualification to define separation gas component composition and unstable gas condensate component-fraction composition, which are regulated in the mentioned standards, FSUE “VNIIM Mendeleev D.I.” arranges the performance of interlaboratory experimental research (IER) in order to determine procedure accuracy rate In September-October, 2015
Production laboratories of oil and gas companies, specialized research and development institutes are invited to IER.