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Peton participated in the meeting on Amur GPP solid/food wastes landfill project


The meeting on Amur GPP solid/food wastes landfill project took place in Saratov on the 25th of August. The representatives of CJSC “VNIPIgazdobicha”, OJSC “NIPIgazpererabotka”, Research and Production Company “DIEM” and on behalf of LLC “SRDI O&G “Peton” I.B. Lyanger, HSE head participated in the meeting.

Subsequent to the results of the meeting, the participants made a decision on approving the Main technical decisions with account of amendments for further project documentation development. In the course of the meeting, the participants discussed brown water utilization procedure and also made a decision on updating the list and the volume of waste subject to land disposal on the solid/food wastes landfill.

In the scope of decisions made, LLC “SRDI O&G “Peton” together with the Research and Production Company “DIEM” will continue developing project documentation for the solid/food wastes landfill project.