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Peton performs intense degasation R&D for GPU


Technological engineering holding “Peton” carries on a project “Research and development of equipment for intensive degasation with preliminary separation of liquid-gas mixtures for GPU for gas condensate fields”. 

One of the mostly used types of the machinery for natural gas collection and treatment for further transportation is a gas-liquid separation vessel, the main purpose of which is a highest possible separation of dropping liquid and solids from a gas flow.     

Dropping liquid containing solids, salts, hydrocarbons, fossil water, and chemicals, used in gas production, deposits on compressor blades, working surfaces of technological equipment and has a negative impact on the equipment functioning.  One of the peculiarities for the gas collection is a span of pipeline, which leads to condensate formation during gas flow, its accumulation in low areas and salvo shooting of water plug coming to inlet separator. 

Negative technological factors lead to deterioration of separation equipment which is accompanied by:

  • increased entrainment  of solid particles and dropping liquid with dissolved salts and chemicals in it
  • hard deposit formation on the gas compressor units impellers of booster compressor station
  • blocking of inner assembly with entrained solids leading to their destruction.

Modern separators should operate under required running conditions and function reliably under any circumstances. 

In that context the crucial task lies in modernization of existing gas separators and engineering of new machinery with due regard to the modern requirements to gas quality and working reliability.

Conclusions made by “Peton”

 NIPI NG “Peton” project objectives:

  • improvement of functioning reliability and operating efficiency of gas treatment related to liquid-gas mixture  separation
  • reducing machinery weight-dimensional characteristics
  • reduction of production areas
  • accident response and recovery.

The major target area in efficiency improvement of the gas field purification process is modernization   of an inner assembly of existing inlet separators. 

Modernization of inlet separators of gas treatment machinery is fulfilled in the most plants of OJSC “Gazprom”, including LLC “Gazprom dobycha Yamburg”, “Gazprom dobycha Urengoy”, “Gazprom dobycha Noyabrsk” and the others. Evaluation of modernization results is stated in different documents, including materials of NTS OJSC “Gazprom”, reports to agreements etc. 

Evaluation criteria of separators modernization applied by “Peton”:

  • content of dropping liquid in separator gas
  • content of solid particles in separator gas
  • requirements to construction and mounting operations (time required for mounting operations, necessity of hot works, cost of works)
  • design requirements (availability of inner parts for inspection and maintenance, prevention of solid particles blocking of separator parts and other solutions proposed by engineers)
  • hydraulic resistance
  • productivity factor
  • gas washing method, specific consumption of washing fluid.

Thanks to test facility for bench testing, professional staff and regular monitoring of performance improvement Holding is proud of thirty years’ experience in successful implementation of large projects.

“Peton” has been successfully implementing the project in accordance with the requirements and time limits specified by the Customer.