NIPI NG “PETON” commenced research and development work on determination of blend composition of separator gas, unstable gas condensate and formation gas to enhance credibility of hydrocarbon crude content and physiochemical characteristics estimated on its base.
Following the results of the project GOST R national standard package will be developed for the first time in the Russian Federation. It will enable to define detailed chemical and component-fraction composition of crude gas. The methodology of determination of the hydrocarbons’ fraction composition, which are heavier than the pentanes, in unstable gas condensate and crude gas will be harmonized with the international standard ISO 3924:2010 “Petroleum products - Determination of fraction composition - Gas chromatography method”).
Three main stages of experiments are planned in the project:
Stage 1. Experimental research to determine separator gas chemical composition.
Stage 2. Experimental research to determine unstable gas condensate chemical composition using gas chromatography method with preliminary degassing of a sample
Stage 3. Experimental research to determine unstable gas condensate chemical composition using gas chromatography method with direct sample injection in chromatograph.
The results of research and development will be used by the Department of gas, gas condensate and oil production of OJSC “Gazprom”, as well as by gas-and-oil production companies in the process of planning and controlling of measures concerning quality rating of separator gas, unstable gas condensate, and crude gas.