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“Peton” makes agreement with “Gazprom” to develop gas processing facilities refit program


“Peton” signed a contract with “Gazprom” regarding development of gas and liquid hydrocarbons processing facilities refit and re-equipment program for 2016-2020.  The program stipulates, in particular, the analysis of the current capacity utilization and the main production of gas and liquid hydrocarbons by LLC “Gazprom pererabotka”, LLC “Gazprom dobycha Orenburg”, LLC “Gazprom dobycha Astrakhan”; the analysis of the feed base and expected changes in the quality of the main products.  

“The complex program of gas and liquid hydrocarbons processing facilities refit and re-equipment for the period of 2011-2015 was developed in accordance with the Board resolution of OJSC “Gazprom” dated December 17, 2010. “Peton” is a leader in the field of technological engineering solutions for oil-and-gas enterprises, and takes part in many significant governmental programs”, - stated Oleg Polyakov, the Director General of “Peton Invest Technology”. 

Such program is required since that main equipment of the processing plants operated a considerable amount of time, and demands a total reconstruction. Besides, it is essential to prepare facilities for processing of more sophisticated blend composition, which is related to development of deep oil and gas condensate deposits in Western Siberia by OJSC “Gazprom”.