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Technology Engineering Holding PETON whose projects are aimed at developing the Russian fuel and energy complex, has implemented the Beorg Smart Vision Platform for document capture using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Thanks to the solution, it has become possible to automate and three times speed up the stream processing of staff documents.

The information about a new employee gets into the personnel records system card without human involvement, it is enough just to send a photo or a scan of a document to the recognition circuit. The AI ​​platform has been developed by the Russian Company Beorg, a resident of Skolkovo Foundation IT cluster.

The mass onboarding of new employees required serious labor efforts from Peton Holding HR Department for simple, routine operations. The management set the task of automating the processing of large document flows, speeding up the onboarding of employees of various disciplines and eliminating errors in manual data entry.

As a result of the pilot project, the Russian platform Beorg Smart Vision has been chosen as a solution for intelligent document processing based on machine learning, computer vision and data verification technologies. Thanks to the technology, with a constant number of employees in the HR Department, it has become possible to ensure the necessary mass recruitment of personnel in a limited time frame.

Peton Holding regularly hires office staff, engineers, technicians and workers for construction and installation works at large industrial facilities in the oil and gas producing and processing, petrochemical industries throughout Russia. The company has more than 8,000 people.

"Now, when a new employee is hired, an HR Specialist just sends documents to the recognition circuit. The employee card in the HR program is filled in automatically, without human involvement. Beorg's solution provides recognition of printed and handwritten information contained in 14 types of documents, including those of foreign countries. The quality of the recognized data exceeds 99%. Based on the platform, the relevance and authenticity of the documents provided are also automatically checked. It is important to note that with the implementation of the solution, it has become possible to process documents for new employees in parallel, i.e. AI simultaneously recognizes the documents of different employees,” said Peton representatives.

Personal data contained in documents is protected by encryption and depersonalization mechanism. In the process of recognition, neural networks cut the document into separate fields, by which it is impossible to determine their belonging to the whole. The digitized data is collected in a secure customer loop.

An AI-based recognition solution is justified to be used for large document flows. Thanks to Beorg Smart Vision, employees of the HR department of Peton Holding excluded routine manual data entry from the workflow, including from such long documents as work books which are often filled out very problematic even for human perception. We increased the productivity of the HR department and accelerated the recruitment of new employees. Thanks to pre-trained neural networks we were able to exceed the requirements for the time of digitization of document packages (SLA). The processing time for one package of personnel documents has been reduced from 40-60 to 10-15 minutes with the initial requirement of the customer in 20 minutes, said Alexander Korobov, Biorg Development and Sales Director.

Based on the results of the initial period of work, the Beorg Smart Vision platform can be scaled to the processes of other personnel services of Peton Holding.