In accordance with the Federal Law dated November 23, 1995 No. 174-FZ “On Environmental Review”, Regulation on the Assessment of the Impact of Planned Economic and Other Activities on the Environment in the Russian Federation approved by the Order of the State Committee for Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2000, No. 372, and Decision of the Meeting of Deputies of the Krasnosulinsky district of the Rostov region No. 167 dated December 19, 2016 “On Approval of the Regulation on the Procedure for Conducting Public Hearings Concerning Preliminary Materials for Assessing the Environmental Impact of Planned Economic or Other Activities in Krasnosulinsky Municipal District”, Scientific Research Design Institute of Oil and Gas “Peton” LLC (hereinafter, SRDI O&G “Peton” LLC) informs the population, public organisations (associations), and all parties concerned about holding, together with the Administration of Krasnosulinsky Municipal District of the Rostov Region and NZNP Engineering LLC, of public debate of the design documentation materials, including the technical assignments for the environmental impact assessment (hereinafter, TA for EIA) and environmental impact assessment materials (hereinafter, EIA) for the following subjects of the federal-level state environmental review (hereinafter, Subjects):
- Novoshakhtinsky Zavod Nefteproduktov JSC Construction of Advanced Oil Feedstock and Middle Distillates Refining Complex. Kerosene and diesel fuel hydro treating unit with the capacity of 2 160.8 thous t/year;
- Novoshakhtinsky Zavod Nefteproduktov JSC Construction of Advanced Oil Feedstock and Middle Distillates Refining Complex. Combined hydrocracking unit with he tcapacity of 2 571 thous t/year with hydrogen production section with the capacity of 70 thous t/year and UI&O facilities;
- Novoshakhtinsky Zavod Nefteproduktov JSC Construction of Advanced Oil Feedstock and Middle Distillates Refining Complex. Delayed coking unit with the capacity of 1860 thous t/year;
- Novoshakhtinsky Zavod Nefteproduktov JSC Construction of Advanced Oil Feedstock and Middle Distillates Refining Complex. Phase 2 Sulphur Unit with the capacity of 95 thous t/year.
Location of the planned activity: the designed facilities are located in the territory adjacent to the southern side of the main industrial site No. 1 of NZNP JSC at the address: Russia, Rostov Region, Krasnosulinsky District, Kiselevo Rural Settlement, 882 km + 700 m of M-19 Novoshakhtinsk-Maysky Highway.
The purpose of the planned activity is the construction of advanced oil refining units to obtain aviation kerosene, diesel fuel, motor gasoline, ultra-low-sulphur marine fuel, sulphur, coke, and raw petrochemical materials with minimal harm to the environment.
Property developer: Novoshakhtinsky Zavod Nefteproduktov Joint-Stock Company, Russia, Rostov Region, Krasnosulinsky District, Kiselevo Rural Settlement, 882 km + 700 m of M-19 Novoshakhtinsk-Maysky Highway.
The Client for the design documentation and EIA: NZNP Engineering LLC (119048, Moscow, 42 Komsomolsky Avenue, bldg. 3, office 31, tel..: +7 (495) 185-14-14, e-mail:
General design contractor, design documentation and EIA development contractor (the Contractor): SRDI O&G “Peton” LLC (Salavata Yulaeva Avenue, 450071, building 58, Ufa, tel: +7 (347) 246-87-09, e-mail:
The authority responsible for organising public debate: Administration of the Krasnosulinsky District of the Rostov Region (346350, Rostov Region, Krasny Sulin, 11 Lenin St., tel .: +7 (86367) 5-21-51,
Estimated point of time for EIA: from April till June 2021.
Public debate form: public hearings.
You can find design documentation materials, including TA for EIA and EIA materials from May 07, 2021 till July 07, 2021 at the following addresses:
- Krasnosulinsky District Administration at the address: Rostov Region, Krasny Sulin, 2 Pervomayskaya st., office No. 7, from 8.00 to 17.00 on weekdays, break hour: from 12.00 to 13.00;
- NZNP JSC at the address: Rostov Region, Krasnosulinsky District, Kiselevo rural settlement, 882 km + 700 m of M-19 Novoshakhtinsk-Maysky Highway, central entrance checkpoint of building AK tit. 42 , NZNP JSC, from 8.00 to 17.00 on weekdays, break hour: from 11:45 to 12:45.
Besides, electronic documentation can be found on the website of NZNP JSC: and the website of SRDI O&G “Peton” LLC:
Comments and suggestions on the documentation are accepted in written form, registered in the logs of public comments and suggestions, located at the addresses of access to design documentation materials, by e-mail or by phone: +7 (347) 246-87-09 ext. 2289.
The timeframe to accept comments and suggestions: within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, during the public hearings, and within 30 days after the public hearings.
The public hearings concerning the planned activities and the environmental impact assessment of the Facilities will be held on June 07, 2021 starting with 13:00 (MSK) at the address: 11 Lenin st., 3rd floor, Assembly Hall, Krasny Sulin, Rostov Region.