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Peton researches as a basis of gost R


A number of provisions standardised in regulatory documents developed by SRDI O&G Peton LLC are already applied in developing other national projects of the industry. 

Peton has developed the first three parts of the national standards system collectively named “Gas Condensate Mixture”. The development was under Contract No. 3606-0750-13-5 dated 22 April 2015 between SRDI O&G Peton LLC and PJSC Gazprom for conducting researches to determine the fractional analysis of separator gas, unstable gas condensate and formation gas.

The novelty of the work is that such national standards system to determine a detailed fractional analysis of separator gas, unstable gas condensate and formation gas was developed in the Russian Federation for the first time.

The procedure for determining the fractional analysis of hydrocarbons heavier than pentanes was harmonised with ISO 3924 “Petroleum Products. Determination of Boiling Range Distribution. Gas Chromatography Method” considering the needs of the Russian national economy and national standardisation aspects.

A large range of work was completed over more than two years of project development efforts.

The design institutes that are currently busy developing standards for PJSC Gazprom make use of some provisions established during Peton’s research efforts and standardised in the national regulatory documents.