On 15 November, Tatiana Ogibalova, PETON representative and chief project engineer, attended a meeting of the Technical Committee for Standardisation TK 52 “Natural and Liquefied Gases”, at which she delivered a report on:
Development of National Standards
“Gas-condensate mixture. Part 1. Separation gas. Compositional analysis using the gas chromatography method”
“Gas-condensate mixture. Part 2. Unstable gas condensate. Compositional and fractional analysis using the gas chromatography method with prior sample degassing”
“Gas-condensate mixture. Part 3. Unstable gas condensate. Compositional and fractional analysis using the gas chromatography method without prior sample degassing”
The meeting resolved to approve the results of absentee voting on adopting the final versions of draft standards and to issue a favourable opinion of the Technical Committee.