PETON is proceeding with environmental management activities. In 2021, under the “Green Office” programme, the company has recycled over 2 tonnes of waste paper and cardboard.
The current “Green Office” programme is an umbrella programme for a number of initiatives providing for implementation of eco-friendliness principles in the company’s offices. The Project includes such areas as recycling of used materials, sustainable use of resources, and creation of green spaces on the office surroundings.
Environmental engineering is a crucial area for PETON’s activities – it provides for the implementation of projects intended to reduce energy intensity and minimise the environmental impact.
“Focus on the environment is an essential aspect of developed economy in today’s Russia. The policy pursued by our company contributes to sustainable and environmentally responsible use of energy and utilities, transition of fuel and energy industries to the principles of green economy and best available technologies, in particular, in the area of energy and resource saving technologies in the production and refining of oil and gas, petrochemical and gas chemical industries,” said Eduard Gasanov, Chairman of the Board of Directors.