The 6th International Academic Workshop "Theory and Practice of Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes" was held on 17-19 November 2021, which was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Professor Boris Marushkin - an outstanding scientist, expert in the oil refining sector (Marushkin Readings-2021).
The principle objective of the event was to analyze the state and development prospects of basic and applied research in chemical technology and engineering, and to unite efforts of the scientific community and specialized companies for development of new efficient processes and creation of new materials.
The workshop was held at the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University in a hybrid face-to-face and online format due to the difficult epidemiological situation.
Plenary and oral presentations were given at the event, break-out and poster sessions were held in the following fields:
- Mass transfer, thermal, reaction processes and equipment for oil refining and petrochemistry;
- Mathematical modelling and research of chemical engineering processes;
- Industrial ecology;
- Educational aspects in technical universities.
162 scientific conference abstracts were presented to the scientific community within the workshop program, most of which were dedicated to mathematical modelling and research of chemical engineering processes.
It should be noted that one of the traditions that has been formed over the years of organizing workshops is an active involvement of young scientists - postgraduates and candidates of sciences, who in 2021 represented around a third of the total number of the participants.